Rangoon Restaurant

Here at Rangoon Restaurant, Burmese cuisine can be characterized as having a mildly spicy and very flavourful taste. Burmese cuisine uses rice and noodles as staple dishes and is usually served with a variety side dishes such as meat or fish curries, vegetables, salads, soups and condiments. Burmese cooks use locally grown fruits and vegetables to prepare meals, maximizing Havours and nutrition.

Vegetables are vital in the Burmese kitchen and are served either raw or steamed. These vegetable dishes are often flavoured with a little meat, fish or dried shrimp.

Burmese cuisine is particularly renowned for its salads, soups and curries. Rangoon Restaurant salads’ uniqueness comes from a balance of light, bright flavours and a wonderful mix of textures, their soups are made of chickpeas or other legumes, and their curries, mild to hot, are made of meat, fish or vegetables are cooked in oil with simple Havourings, and are served over rice or noodles.

The lunch menu is yummy, have a look HERE

Did I mention bring your own wine if you wish…

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