Ragtime Vintage Clothing

Buy – sell – consignment

Vintage men’s and women’s clothing. Modern brand name and designer as well. Accessories,hats and jewelry. Ottawa’s longest standing vintage clothing store. Largest selection in town, vintage & second hand clothes for sale or rental.

” This is by far the best vintage clothing store in Ottawa. The owners and staff are passionate and knowledgeable about quality vintage appare. They will gladly help you find unique pieces that you will be proud to own.

I came in to look for a vintage men’s vest and a kind and attentive employee quickly helped me find what I was looking for in my size. I also found a beautiful and super original ring in their extensive vintage jewelry collection.

Come to Ragtime Vintage with an open mind and some time ahead of you to discover their amazing and plentiful merchandise. Enjoy the retro atmosphere and eccentric vibe. And if you decide to walk in with drinks or large bags, understand that you will have to leave those with an employee while you shop. It makes perfect sense and will allow you to browse more comfortably. ”

” I have shopped at Ragtime since I was a teenager and it was a little shop upstairs on Elgin street. Ragtime is a world in itself. Treasure hunting there has always been a pleasure. The atmosphere is calm and relaxed. The staff have always been helpful and polite. Now, I bring my daughter to shop at the store. I may have created a monster lol. “


Like many collectable like shops, not so much into websites but Ragtime Vintage keeps thier Facebook page well maintained and always updating, have a look Here !

Based on 188 reviews
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Ludovik Sokolowski
13:03 17 Oct 24
Amazing place!! So much vintage clothing and cool items to collect. I love the atmosphere, it gives an old and unique soul. I advise everyone to take a look.
Nat Tash
18:37 30 Sep 24
Ragtime Vintage has clothing that is impossible to find in shopping malls. It is impressive the quantity of garments in there (up to the celling)!
Lenny Bruce
15:57 29 Sep 24
IGNORE THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS--they're wildly unfair, mean-spirited, and spoiled.The complainers whine about silliness like Ragtime being "claustrophobic" (yes, it's packed with treasures, and if you don't like that, you can go to Value Village), and that you have to leave your bags at the front (try to be kind and understand that the owners have to mitigate thievery). Ragtime has been an Ottawa fixture since the 1970s because their selection is ginormous, diverse, and lovingly curated by people who also happen to care about protecting the environment by repurposing clothing instead of peddling fast fashion. And by the way, employees do NOT "follow you around" the shop. THANKS RAGTIME‼️🥇
17:29 13 Aug 24
Ragtime Vintage Clothing, a love letter to my friends and a huge F-U to the haters and losers on this very special 9/11.Firstly, Jon makes the best Hummus! He's an absolute legend! eaten on the stoop with carrot sticks and fingers, it's zesty, garlicky and primal, like when you see a monkey in Thailand gorging on a street Twinkie. I know what I'm talking about, I'm the famous Times o' New York "Hummus and Vintage Fashion" Reviewer! (and you're not)."WHAAAAA-*" you say? "Hummus and vintage clothing? Harrumph!" People gotta eat, dummy. I aughtta know, I eat people. I mean- I eat, people. Hummus mostly, sometimes the wild pusswois when ever I can catch one. "But, but, but... the store is crowded, and this makes me feel uncomfortable. And when I'm uncomfortable, I cry, then get mad then I WRITE REVIEWS!!!" Yeah, I read 'em, they suck and make me laugh and so do you, baby. Why don't you open a vintage clothing shop, run it for nearly 50 years and get back to me with your thoughtfully considered opinions, Hummm? Oh ya you haven't the ambition or talent..."Dude?" you're thinking, "How rude to see him eat what looks like a bowl of pre-chewed food! How roooood" Jon's a snoood, that just how a snoood chewed food, dude. I don't wanna be lewd, but have you been F-U ed? I'm saying get screwed, preferably snoo- snooed by the amazon brood.To all my pals, gals, their cats, bats and Minnesota Fats, you the cool fools who brought us all to school.To the the Losers and Haters, well, your life is bad enough already. god bless you.
Madison Martin
20:57 04 Jul 24
Super interesting store! Very packed with things but it was very interesting and fun to look through. Do not come here if you can’t handle a packed store !! For thrifters and vintage lovers this is the place for you. Other wise it was a little awkward trying to manover around. This place is awesome !
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