Darling Vintage

Darling Vintage always has a solid selection of great pieces from high-quality bags to beautiful clothes. Get your sexy back at Darling Vintage, and the best fashion style in Ottawa is on your body.

This is one of those vintage boutiques that has a very carefully curated selection of quality items, all neatly organized according to colour/ theme/ item. So, you can expect to pay a little more here than you would at a regular thrift store. It’s somewhat unassuming from the front entrance but inside is a clean, high end vintage boutique.

At Darling’s you’ll find handmade/ vintage jewelry trinkets, and the back room has another careful selection of vintage housewares. and ceramic salt and pepper shaker collections too…

Darling’s Facebook page is often updated, have a look Here.

” This shop blew any expectations I have for thrift stores out of the water. Too easy to spend way too much time sifting through the seemingly endless clothes on the racks and in the bins. ”


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