Align Massage Therapy
Align Massage Therapy in Ottawa has 7 locations, and most are open 7 days a week, with hundreds of openings available.
With a team of over 70 therapists, they can usually accommodate last minute visits.
The team ranges from new in the field to veterans with 30+ years of experience. We have the right fit for you.
Receptionists are available from 8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday and 9:00-4:00 on Saturdays. After hours, emails are monitored regularly and are the easiest way to reach the individual clinics.
Orleans, Bank St, Parkdale, Barrhaven, Rockland, Beechwood and Lindenlea areas. Here is more contact information
Caroline LeClerc
00:04 22 Nov 24
Just had a massage with Michelle James. Very talented and professional RMT. She definitely knows what she's doing. Very personable as well. We had a great conversation and she made me feel comfortable. Would definitely recommend.
03:14 20 Nov 24
B. A. has healed my pain. They know how to read the body because they understand every musculature. They helped me understand the root cause of movements that are causing this, and how to stretch it out properly. Thank you!!
Zayan Khandker
12:27 06 Sep 24
No words can do justice to the magic that Christian Emuekpere possess! As a Registered Massage Therapist, he truly excels in his field. I went to him with some lingering posture issues and tightness in my hips, and the results have been outstanding. Christian's expertise not only helped correct my posture, but he also worked wonders on loosening up my hips. His approach is both professional and personalized, and he takes the time to address each concern with precision and care. If you're looking for someone who genuinely understands how to relieve discomfort and improve your overall well-being, Christian is the therapist to see.Thank you, Christian, for the incredible relief and the positive impact on my daily life! Can't wait to be back 🙂
Amanda Watson
19:01 31 Aug 24
Just had a massage. Had never seen the therapist before but she was excellent. She was very informative, said she was open to feed back, although I didn't need to provide any as she intuitively hit all the right spots with the right pressure. She was also very kind. Would highly reccommend.
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